Sunday, July 6, 2014

Number 5

Happy Happy Birthday!

The past year:
*Started Pre-school and she can't wait to go to Kindergarten in the fall
*Still obsessed with purple
*Equally obsessed with anything "Elsa" from Frozen
*Loves Pizza, salad, tomatos, quinoa, and cheeseburgers
*Hates anything "spicy" like soda pop, gum, toothpaste, candycanes
*Playing with her new American Girl doll whom she named "Kaiya" 
*We spent 10 days in Disneyland, California Adventure, and lots of beaches
*Loves to ride and race her bike
*Jumping on the trampoline with sprinklers on
*Finally quit biting her nails
*Enjoys flying in Grandpas airplanes
*Likes to read and can read about 15 words so far
*Hours spent painting, coloring and anything "crafty"
*Starts soccer in the fall
*Performed in her first ballet recital on a professional size stage with a live orchestra - and did amazing
*Still adores her "brother bears" and excitedly asks each morning if she can go wake them up to play
*All she wanted for her birthday was the American Girl Kitchen for her doll and for Queen Elsa to come to her party --- She got both of course. 

Written update to come in the mail soon.