Monday, October 26, 2009

SWEET 16 weeks

Could this robe and this Lady bug be any cuter!

Her new new thing is humming all the time. She loves humming at the faces of the book that Grandma Cindy gave her. It's the sweetest sound.
And her signature..... smile:)

Layla's 16 week Stats:
She has her 4 month doctors appointment on November 9th.
She's eating every 4 hours and isn't very hungry in the mornings. She'd rather gulp down the big bottles in the late afternoon and evening. Layla is loving her new bedtime routine that includes a bath, lotion massage, PJ's, singing primary songs and reading a short book. She goes to bed around 7:30-8:30 pm and she's still sleeping through the night (except last night, she woke up and talked to herself from 4-5 am). It was cute. She's really close to rolling over from her tummy to her back. She partly rolls from her back to her side (we'll post a video.) She still hold back her full laugh and only really giggles when she's really excited. Her tummy problems have settled down a lot since she's been eating Similac Sensitive formula which is milk based but Lactose Free. She still has to be swaddled tightly in order to fall asleep because otherwise she wiggles too much and can't settle down. She loves to snuggle with her new bunny blanket and pulls it up to her face. She's growing up so fast!