Friday, November 26, 2010


Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay of a Thanksgiving post. We all had a really great day with lots of delicious food and family from all around. Layla has been espceially excited out the recent snowfall and loves to get out and about, so it made for a nearly perfect day.

Later that night though, we had a slumber party at Primary Childrens hospital due to a small infection in Lady's leg. The doc took good care of her though and sent us home with a happy girl this afternoon. All is well now that we're back home with our favorite toys and soft blankets. We'll just get some much needed rest in so we can hang some holiday decorations tomorrow. She's so excited about her own little tree that we put up in the corner of her room.

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and want to express out love and THANKS to our family out there reading along.


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!! Love you guys!