Monday, June 20, 2011


It was wonderful to hear from you all. Thank you so very much for your support and joy in our journey to bring Layla a brother. We hope you're all doing well and think of you so very often.

Where has time gone?! Lady bug is going to be 2 in a few weeks and of course we have quite the party planned! Just a few of the plans include a swim party, lemonade stand, popcorn stand, face painting, and a clown tying balloons at Layla's Birthday Carnival!
We'll share photo's and more of the 4th of July and then of her party!


Anonymous said...

Wow! It sounds like you have quite the party planned! You guys always have such great parties! I'm sure Layla will love it :) Good luck with the baby brother planning. Layla will be an amazing big sister, I am sure of it!