Happy Happy Birthday!
The past year:
*Started Pre-school and she can't wait to go to Kindergarten in the fall
*Still obsessed with purple
*Equally obsessed with anything "Elsa" from Frozen
*Loves Pizza, salad, tomatos, quinoa, and cheeseburgers
*Hates anything "spicy" like soda pop, gum, toothpaste, candycanes
*Playing with her new American Girl doll whom she named "Kaiya"
*We spent 10 days in Disneyland, California Adventure, and lots of beaches
*Loves to ride and race her bike
*Jumping on the trampoline with sprinklers on
*Finally quit biting her nails
*Enjoys flying in Grandpas airplanes
*Likes to read and can read about 15 words so far
*Hours spent painting, coloring and anything "crafty"
*Starts soccer in the fall
*Performed in her first ballet recital on a professional size stage with a live orchestra - and did amazing
*Still adores her "brother bears" and excitedly asks each morning if she can go wake them up to play
*All she wanted for her birthday was the American Girl Kitchen for her doll and for Queen Elsa to come to her party --- She got both of course.
Written update to come in the mail soon.
Happy Birthday Layla. I am so glad that you are happy and that you have such a wonderful family. Your "California" family is now spread out all over between Texas, California, and Utah. Never doubt how much you are loved. I'm so glad you are excited about Kindergarten. I'll think about you every day as I teach Art and Music to my Kindergarten, first and second grade classes.
Thank you Cindy! Great to hear from you and how exciting that you're teaching Kindergarten! We absolutely love getting comments on the blog and sending the word to Layla about how much you guys all love her! She knows all about her "California family" and we share stories with her all the time about you and how much you all love her. She thought that was really funny that you'd "both be in Kindergarten at the same time."
We send our love to you too. Keep in touch! It's great to get updates on all of you also.
The Day Family
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